05 November, 2008

Yes, we DID!!!

See "Obama sweeps to victory as first black president"

I can't believe that I am actually tempted to get on the internet and email all my overseas buddies that I am proud to be an American for the first time in almost a decade. This from the girl who used to introduce herself to her English classes "Hi, I'm Kim, I am from America, sorry about that." I am so proud that the people of this country made such a brave and bold choice. I spent last night at a Democrat party watching the polls roll in. I don't think that I will ever forget the moment when my beloved West Coast came in and announced that Obama will be he next Commander-in-Chief. Thanks guys!!

(Look for me in the top right corner of that picture!)

02 November, 2008

Go Phillies!!!

I managed to win St. Luke's College's "Who Will Win the World Series" game by being the only person to correctly guess that the Phillies would win. This is very exciting to me as a) I don't think that I have ever really won anything, b) I don't follow sports and basically picked a team out of a hat and c) well, um, that's it really.

Please, get out and vote on Tuesday. A lot of lame people I live with are saying that there really isn't a difference between the candidates. I can't really respond to this as I have been to busy to watch the debates so I can't really give concrete examples of how they differ. I will say this however: this was the same BS that people were saying in 2000 about Bush and Gore. Eight years later, one man has started an illegal was that has killed hundreds of thousands, and the other has spearheaded the movement against annihilation of the planet though global warming. No difference my ass.

As they say in Chicago: "vote early, vote often!"