07 November, 2007

The People of Sioux City Have Spoken...

The People of Sioux City have spoken... and they want change. Yesterday was the first mayoral race in 53 years (previously they'd been assigned by comittee) and incumbents were tossed out and replaced. It was a pretty pathetic election, actually-- the turnout was only 21%. The new mayor only won by 374 votes out of the 9212 votes cast.

Not that I can take a real high moral ground here. To get me to the polls, not only did Sarah have to call me to remind me, but she also had to drive me, bribe me with Starbucks, and had to tell me who to vote for because I was too lazy to research the canidates myself. Aside from mayor, we had a coucilman to pick. We went for some guy named Rochester who, as Sarah put it, was "less anti-gay" then the guy currently in office. Slim pickings here in SUX City.

When I got to my class after the election and asked my classmates it they'd voted they looked at me like I was crazy and informed me that the elections were NEXT November.

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty much the same thing that happened to me last year. My roommate Lucy had to call me up at home to tell me to vote and who to vote for. Because, you know, I hadn't exactly been following the race for Queens Comptroller. Most of the people were running unopposed. Those people didn't get my vote.
