05 July, 2008

Nothing... nothing.... nothing... then I miss THIS?

Check this out:Man survives four-story plunge from apartment

Argonaut Apartments is where I live. The picture in the article is right outside my back door, where our laundy room is. No, I didn't know the guy that jumped out the window (I try to have as little to do with my neighbors as possible) but this story didn't really shock me. I am just praying this this happy family gets evicted.

I missed it because I went to see Prince Caspian. It was okay, but I would probably have been more amused by a guy jumping four stories out a window and surviving. The only good parts of the movie was when they didn't bother trying to follow the book-- like when the Narnians stormed the castle, a scene not penned by the great C.S. Lewis. Not that I don't like the book-- quite the opposite-- but I think that the scenes were better because they were designed to be in a movie, while the other scenes were designed to be in a book.

No matter how good her acting (which isn't really that good) the cinematic Lucy can never show how strong her love for Aslan is as the literary Lucy. This is why I pretty much feel that this movie proves that Hollywood (and Disney in particular) should make thier own damn movies instead of ripping off the plotlines of authors (unless the book happens to be Fight Club, but that's a different story.)

This includes Harry Potter (which finally got kids to read) and Lord of the Rings. Although I agree with Randal Graves (of Clerks 2 fame) on both the LOTR books and the movies: "Those fuckin' hobbit movies were boring as hell. All it was, was a bunch of people walking, three movies of people walking to a fucking volcano... Even the trees walked in those fuckin' movies."

Sioux City still sucks. I did have a good time at the Marti Gras festival yesterday (yes, I know it's July) where we had a "parade". I put "parade" in quotes because actually all it was was a bunch of guys in identical shirts throwing beads to the crowd. A few had large Macy-day type balloons which probably could have used a few more tanks of helium. The fun part was screaming out "Beads! Beads!" while clapping your hands like a deranged seal in the hopes that a necklace would be hurled your way.


  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    You do know there's a trick for getting beads, right?


  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I'm sure bumblefuck,ia is no amherst, ma. Your shallow, liberal, east coast views are typical of people who only spend a short time in the midwest. Judging by your comments it sounds as though you were dragged here and forced to live @ the wonderful Argonaut Estates. Is that true? I would love to discuss our diferent views. I'll stay in touch Kim.
