10 October, 2010

Google Rocks

Sometimes I can't beleive how smart Google is.
I was applying for a job, and I wrote in the email cover letter "Please find my resume attached" but forgot to attach my resume, as I often do.

When I hitsend, Google threw up an error box that was like "Uh, do you want to attach something?"

I'm telling you, someone should write an app that can tell when you are romantic with someone by looking for keywords...

Then when you type too slowly or make too many mistakes, an error box will pop up and say "You appear drunk. Are you sure you want to send this?"

1 comment:

  1. This exists! There is a lab in the settings area of gmail called "Mail Goggles". It asks you to do math questions during times when it is late and you might be inebriated.
