26 March, 2011

Only [NOT] in the US

Could you imagine the president of a major company in America personally apologising to those that were affected by his company? 

 This picture is from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42144324.  The caption reads:
Norio Tsuzumi, vice president of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco), left, apologizes to evacuees at an evacuation center in Tamura, Fukushima prefecture, March 22. Public sentiment is such that Fukushima's governor Yuhei Sato rejected a meeting offered by the president of Tepco, the utility that runs the Fukushima nuclear plant. "Considering the anxiety, anger and exasperation being felt by people in Fukushima, there is just no way for me to accept their apology," said Gov. Sato on national broadcaster NHK.
If this were America, not only would the mayor take the companies apology (and probably his campaign finance contributions), the company and the mayor would probably band together to place all the blame on the opposite political party.

Please consider Donating to Japan.  They are doing all they can to try to help themselves, but this disaster is too big for anyone to handle alone.

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